Call for Abstract

27th Annual Meeting on Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, will be organized around the theme “”

PHARMA BIOTECH 2023 is comprised of 16 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in PHARMA BIOTECH 2023.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

A biopharmaceutical also called as a biological medical by-product, biologic is other pharmaceutical drug by-product produce in, draw out from, or semisynthesized from biological origin. Distinct from completely synthesized pharmaceuticals, they also contain vaccines, complete blood, blood products, allergenic, somatic cells, gene therapies, tissues, recombinant therapeutic protein, and living drugs used in cell remedy. Biologics can be composed of sugars, proteins, nucleic acids, or compound combinations of these material, or can be living cells or tissues. They (or their precursors or material) are introvert from living origin—human, animal, plant, fungal, or microbial. They may be used in the two human beings and animal treatment.

  • Track 1-1Recombinant Protein Therapy
  • Track 1-2Thrombolytic Agents
  • Track 1-3Haematopoietic Growth Factors
  • Track 1-4Gene Therapy

Pharmaceutical nanotechnology is the exhilarating, rapidly growing emerging branch of medical science that deals with harnessing nanoscale materials as drug delivery and/or diagnostic tools. As drug delivery tools, nano-delivery systems can be used to enhance the site-specific, targeted delivery of accurate medicines. Nanotechnology, also known to nanotech, is the use of matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale for industrial purposes. Another potential product of nanotechnology in medicine also contain: nanoadjuvants with immunemodulatory properties used to deliver vaccine antigens; the nano-knife, an almost non-invasive  of destroying cancer cells with high voltage electricity; and carbon nanotubes, which are already a popular way of repairing 

  • Track 2-1Nano Hydroxyapatite
  • Track 2-2Increase oral bioavailability
  • Track 2-3More rapid onset of therapy
  • Track 2-4Enhanced Solubility

COVID-19 drugs are the development is the research process to develop preventative therapeutic prescription medicines that would alleviate the severity of corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Many hundred pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology units, university research associations, and healthcare organizations are developing therapeutic students for COVID-19 disease in multiple stages of preclinical or clinical research, with 419 potential COVID-19 drugs in clinical trials. Drug development is a multistep process, typically requiring more than five years to assure safety and efficacy of the new compound. Several national regulatory agencies, such as the EMA and the FDA, approved procedures to expedite clinical testing. Drug development is the process of bringing a new infectious disease vaccine or therapeutic drug to the market once a lead compound has been identified through the process of drug discovery.

  • Track 3-1Conducting clinical trials in a pandemic
  • Track 3-2Leverage innovative trial designs
  • Track 3-3Prophylactic design
  • Track 3-4New drug development paradigm

Pharmaceutical formulation, in pharmaceutics, is the proseduer in which various chemical substances, including the active drug, are used to produce a final medicinal drug. The word formulation is often use in a way that includes dosage form. Pre-formulation involves the characterization of a drug's physical, chemical, and mechanical charteristics in order to choose what other products should be used in the procedure. Pharmaceutical innovation may not apply the same definition of "initiative" as other industries because while a product might use a new molecule or formula, that by itself holds very little value. For people that need the product the health benefits that were not previously achievable may be a deciding factor as to whether or not it is initiative. While a pharmaceutical company may view a product that fills a niche as innovative if it can produce a profit

  • Track 4-1Additive Manufacturing
  • Track 4-2Artificial Intelligence
  • Track 4-3Curative Therapies
  • Track 4-4Discover All Pharma Technologies

Nanobiotechnology deals with technology which incorporates nanomolecules into biological systems, or which miniaturizes biotechnology solutions to nanometer size to achieve greater reach and efficacy. This may result in more effective and inexpensive assays and therapies. These disciplines help to indicate the merger of biological research with various fields of nanotechnology.  It involves expertise in a variety of fields, from biological, biochemical, molecular biological, molecular engineering, and genetic engineering to agricultural knowledge. Concepts that are enhanced through nanobiology include: nanodevices (such as biological machines), nanoparticles, and nanoscale phenomena that occurs within the discipline of nanotechnology.

  • Track 5-1Lipid Nanoparticles
  • Track 5-2Nano-biotechnology in molecular diagnostic
  • Track 5-3Safety issues of nanoparticles
  • Track 5-4Potential therapeutic evalution

Agricultural biotechnology, also called as agritech, is an area of agricultural science includes the uses of scientific tools and technologies, including genetic engineering, molecular markers, molecular diagnostics, vaccines, and tissue culture, to modify living organisms: plants, animals, and microorganisms. Crop biotechnology is one aspect of agricultural biotechnology which has been greatly developed upon in recent times. Desired trait are exported from a particular species of Crop to an entirely different species. These transgene crops possess desirable characteristics in terms of flavor, color of flowers, growth rate, size of harvested products and resistance to diseases and pests.

  • Track 6-1Genetically Modified Crops.
  • Track 6-2Developing of Biofuels.
  • Track 6-3Improving Plant Growth
  • Track 6-4Improve Animal Health and Breeding

Cancer biotechnology research includes scientists from medicine, biology, physics and engineering disciplines. Research focused on understanding the molecular mechanisms of cancer, and developing diagnostics and drugs for its cure. Cancer research and drug development have recently entered a new era, along with the concomitant emergence of new technologies, such as whole-genome, proteome profiling or exome sequencing; all these new approaches have led to innovative information. There are several reasons for the discrepancies between the large number of possible future drugs and those approved.


  • Track 7-1Cancer Stem Cells
  • Track 7-2Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy
  • Track 7-3Tumor Invasion and Metastasis
  • Track 7-4Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer

Pharmacoinformatics also be defined as the scientific field that focuses on medication-related data and knowledge within the continuum of healthcare systems. Drug discovery and development requires the integration of multiple scientific and technological disciplines. These include chemistry, biology, pharmacology, pharmaceutical technology and extensive use of information technology. The latter is increasingly recognised as Pharmacoinformatics. It relates to the broader field of bioinformatics. It can be thought of as a sub-domain of the larger professional discipline of health informatics. Health informatics is the study of interactions between people, their work processes and engineered systems within health care with a focus on pharmaceutical care and improved patient safety

  • Track 8-1Bioinformatics
  • Track 8-2Genome informatics
  • Track 8-3Development And Validation Of Stability Indicating Methods
  • Track 8-4Pulsatile Drug Delivery Release Technologies

Drug evolution is a unique idea that is put out to create chemical libraries with a high likelihood of discovering medications or drug candidates. Chemical evolution replaces biological evolution as a result. German scientist Friedrich Returner created the first pharmacological medicine in 1804. In his laboratory, he isolated the primary component from opium and gave it the name "morphine," after the Greek deity of sleep. Secret manufacturing facilities for illegal drugs, including methamphetamine (meth, ice), are known as clandestine drug laboratories (clan labs). Drug evaluation is the expression of a drug's quality, safety, and effectiveness as determined by its pharmacology, pharmaceutics, and clinical study.

  • Discovery and Development
  • Preclinical Research
  • Clinical Research
  • FDA Drug Review
  • FDA Post-Market Drug Safety Monitoring


The term quality assurance (QA), which is used in both the manufacturing and service sectors of the economy, refers to the methodical measures taken to ensure that the products delivered to customers meet their contractual and other agreed-upon expectations for performance, design, reliability, and maintainability. The main goal of quality assurance is to avoid errors and flaws in the design, development, and production of both manufactured goods like shoes and cars as well as supplied services like auto repair and athletic shoe manufacturing. Different jurisdictions have different laws governing therapeutic products, which are pharmaceuticals and therapeutic devices. They are governed at the national level by a single agency in some nations, such the United States. In certain states, they are governed at the state level.


In contrast to the natural intelligence exhibited by animals, including humans, artificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence demonstrated by robots. The study of intelligent agents, or any system that understands its environment and acts in a way that maximizes its chances of succeeding, has been defined as the focus of AI research. Advanced web search engines, recommendation engines, speech recognition software, self-driving cars, automated decision-making, and winning at the highest levels in strategic gaming systems are just a few examples of AI uses. The idea that human intellect "can be so thoroughly characterized that a machine may be constructed to imitate it" served as the foundation for the study. This sparked discussions in philosophy concerning the nature of the mind and the moral ramifications of constructing intelligent artificial entities.


Clinical trials are prospective biomedical or behavioral research studies involving human subjects that aim to provide answers to particular questions about biomedical or behavioral interventions. These include both established and novel treatments (such as novel vaccines, drugs, dietary choices, dietary supplements, and medical devices) as well as interventions that have already been tried and tested but still require more research and comparison. The field of healthcare science known as clinical research evaluates the efficacy and safety of treatments, equipment, diagnostic tools, and drugs designed for human use. These may be employed in illness diagnosis, treatment, prevention, or symptom relief. Clinical practice is distinct from clinical research. While evidence is gathered to establish a treatment in clinical research, established treatments are employed in clinical practice.

Cosmetics have been impacted by biotechnology in a number of ways. Biotechnology is used by the cosmetics industry to find, create, and produce ingredients for cosmetic formulations as well as to assess how these ingredients behave on the skin, in particular how they may influence aging-related changes. Graduates of biotechnology programmes can now find employment in the fields of agriculture, medical, pharmaceutical research, industrial research, animal husbandry, sciences, textile, food, cosmetics, and nutrition, as well as in the environmental solutions and soil ecology industries.


Recovery and purification of biosynthetic products, notably pharmaceuticals, from natural sources like animal or plant tissue or fermentation broth is referred to as downstream processing. This process also involves recovering salvageable parts and properly handling and disposing of waste. A pure and homogenous protein product is produced from biological materials, such as cells, tissue culture fluid, or plant tissues, through a sequence of steps known as downstream processing (DSP). Isolating, purifying, and concentrating the previously produced medicinal ingredient or other product from the intricate bulk matrix is the goal of downstream processing. Formulation processes may also be included in downstream processing, denoting the change from drug substance to drug product.

According to current thinking, tissue engineering is an interdisciplinary topic that uses engineering and life science ideas to the creation of biological substitutes that restore, maintain, or enhance tissue function or the function of an entire organ. A branch of biomedical engineering known as tissue engineering makes use of cells, engineering, materials science, and appropriate biochemical and physicochemical elements to replace, improve, or repair various biological tissue types. Drug treatment problems or drug-related problems are terms used in the field of pharmaceutical care to define and classify clinical issues associated with the use of pharmaceuticals or medications. Pharmacists, who are knowledgeable with the safety and efficacy of drugs, frequently identify, prevent, and/or resolve DTPs in clinical practice. However, other healthcare professionals may also handle DTPs. Drugs are categorized into many classes based on their chemical make-up, physical makeup, and intended mode of action.

Industrial enzymes, chemicals, biomass conversion into energy and chemicals, and pollution cleanup are all possible because to biotechnology. The bio-cementation technique, used in the construction sector, involves the employment of bacteria to precipitate calcium carbonate within concrete, strengthening and toughening it. In order to create eco-efficient processes and products that are not only more profitable but also more environmentally friendly, biotechnology offers methods for modifying and adapting the biological organisms, goods, services, and systems present in nature.